Mural Project

Mural Project

Submit your art for our Columbia park

Posted by Bark Social, 18 July 2023

Your art could be a permanent part of Bark Social

We are looking for an artist to help us fill a big painted mural wall outside our Columbia park here in Maryland. We are currently taking submissions, and if chosen, the artist will receive an artist stipend, an annual membership with Bark Social, a Bark Social swag package, and ample opportunities with the press for a ribbon-cutting ceremony . If you are interested in submitting your artwork, please take note of the following guidelines, and submit your work to

Guidelines for your submission:

Please include the components of your submission in ONE PDF file.

  • Tell us about you! You can send us a video or a couple of paragraphs. We want to know why you do what you do, and why you’re interested in having your artwork displayed on the side of a Bark Social.

  • Tell us more about your artwork. What is it? How do you see it? What do you want the viewers to take away from it?

  • Are you interested in physically painting the mural, or just designing it? If you are interested in painting, please refer us to previous murals you have completed (location, photos).

  • Please send us a link to your portfolio.

  • Please send your digital artwork. Please be sure to keep it to the ratios detailed below.


We have one objective with this project: to Unleash Joy

Guidelines for your artwork:

  • Abstract over realism

  • Artwork should evoke our purpose:

    • Bark Social’s purpose is to “unleash joy.” We believe if people were more like dogs they’d be more human.

    • Our values are:

      • Love: Like you, we are gifted with heroic levels of dog-love. We honor the values dogs teach us.

      • Connection: If you love dogs, you belong here. Your people are here.

      • Respect: We welcome everyone to come as they are. Please…be yourself.

      • Kindness: Our community is kind and friendly. In fact, we consider it a cost of entry.

      • Comfort: This is a safe and comfortable place for dogs (and humans). Relax and enjoy. We will do the rest.

      • Humor: Dogs remind us to loosen up, play, be silly, and have a laugh with our neighbors.

Use of Color & Size:

Use of color is important, use the following PMS as the main colors in the art piece:

    • PMS: 3252 C / 3252 U

    • PMS: 3945 C / 3945 U

    • PMS: 806 C / 806 U

    • PMS: 3395 C / 3395 U

    • PMS: 2592 C / 2592 U

    • PMS: 375 C / 375 U

    • PMS: 627 C / 627 U

  • NOTE: You are free to use additional colors! We would like to see the above as the main elements of the art piece, but more color is welcome.

  • The final mural will be 63’-4” long by 10’-0” high, so please submit your digital artwork with those ratios in mind.

  • The final artwork will be painted on brick.